Next Live Experience: May 24th - VIP Experience

Ethically close high-ticket deals in one conversation.

60-min Sales Call Role Play +
90-min Hot Seat Coaching
Gain a proven call framework, enhanced confidence and impactful strategies for closing more sales in less time.

Learn how to

Confidently ask power questions

⏺ Zip it 🤐 & avoid over coaching 

⏺ Effectively build trust & respect

⏺ Listen on a deeper level

⏺ Lovingly call out contradictions

Prevent time & money objections

⏺ Challenge perspectives

⏺ Articulate costs of inaction

⏺ Make your investment a no-brainer

⏺ Help people choose courageous action in the face of fear

⏺ Qualify for optimal program success

⏺ Curate your scalable sales call script using the Sales Call Framework Workbook
(included with the $75 registration)

MAY 24TH, 2024

10am PST: 60-min Sales Call Role Play

11 am PST: 90-min Hot Seat Coaching (On ZOOM)

Learn from Coach Katy’s thousands of successful sales consultations that generated over $4M in high ticket program sales.

This experience is only $75 to attend.

Register with the link below.

Replays will be emailed to all attendees and accessible for a lifetime.

Not interested in the VIP experience?
Check out some free sales trainings below

unlock the secrets of Elite Selling.
Elegantly enroll & Retain more clients for Your High-Ticket Coaching Program.

Join Katy, a Multi 7-figure closer, for Free Sales training on her 7-stage call framework, used to close over $4 million in sales.


By Coach Katy

Ethically & Elegantly close more sale in less time

Sales Calls Got you emotionally Drained from…

☹︎ ideal clients ghosting you?

☹︎ pulling teeth to close a sale?

☹︎ Ineffectively articulating your value?

☹︎ Struggling to overcome objections?

☹︎ not dealing with rejection well?

Transform your Conversations and…

☺︎ Establish trust, and credibility. Goodbye ghosting!

☺︎ Gain a Proven objection handling process.

☺︎ learn Mindset strategies for resiliently handling rejection.

☺︎ Demonstrate a clear ROI for the investment for your program.

☺︎ an effective Sales call Framework that creates urgency.

High-Ticket Sales Masterclass
by Koach Katy

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